“Müze ve Perakende Aydınlatma Tasarımı” Workshop’u 20 Eylül Cuma İstanbulLight Fuarı’nda!
The Lighting Institute (TLI), aydınlatma tasarımı üzerine çeşitli eğitim ve workshoplar düzenleyen, Dubai merkezli bir kurum. https://thelightinginstitute.com/
TLI, İstanbulLight 2019 Fuarı kapsamında 20 Eylül Cuma günü saat 11:00‘de “Müze ve Perakende Aydınlatma Tasarımı” konulu bir workshop düzenliyor.
- Workshop dili İngilizce olacaktır.
- 1 saat 30 dakika sürecektir.
- Katılım ücretsizdir.
- Yapı Sektörü Profesyonellerine açıktır.
- Maalesef Doktora veya Master seviyesinde bile olsa öğrenci alınmayacaktır.
Kısıtlı kapasiteye sahip etkinliğe kayıt olmak için lütfen linke tıklayınız: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/workshop-museum-and-retail-lighting-design-registration-71254418885
Subject: We all know lighting plays a vital role in shaping our experience of spaces. But lighting in museums and retail environment, in particular, takes our journey into a different world. It allows us to communicate, connect, pursue and in some instances fall in love with the objects we perceive. It can damage or promote a 500 years old painting or tempt us to purchase a few thousand dollars handbag. This workshop will walk you through the main lighting design criteria for the museum and retail lighting and help you select the right product for the different application. It will also familiarize you with the latest trends and technologies used to create a memorable experience of the space and the displayed objects.
Waleed Fakousa is the director of CD+M’s lighting design studio in Dubai, and the managing director of The Lighting Institute. With more than a decade practising lighting design in Europe and the Middle East, Waleed believes that elevating the awareness & understanding of light within the design community is a key factor contributing in appreciating the quality and value of the profession. He has designed and worked on a cross-section of award-winning international projects in Europe and the Middle East varying from museums, shopping malls, public realm, offices, hotels & healthcare. He has also been awarded the 40Under40 recognition by LUX magazine during Lighting Design awards 2016 in London, UK. Waleed holds a Masters degree in architectural lighting design from Hochschule Wismar, Germany, since 2009. He is striving to improve and solidify the role of the lighting community in the MENA region and how we, as a profession, can greatly enhance the lives of others through knowledge transfer and education.
Kısıtlı kapasiteye sahip etkinliğe kayıt olmak için lütfen linke tıklayınız: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/workshop-museum-and-retail-lighting-design-registration-71254418885
ÖNEMLİ NOT: Kaydınızı tamamladıktan sonra İstanbulLight 2019 Fuarı için de ayrıca kayıt olmanız gerekmektedir. Lütfen şu linki kullanarak fuar kaydınızı gerçekleştirin: KAYIT LİNKİ